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Saturday 31 March 2012

31 March 2012 : Baru Terasa Nak Buat Blog

Dari pagi sampai ke petang dok ngadap laptop ni. Semata2 nak buat blog. Angin xde, ribut xde, tetiba rasa nak buat blog plak. Dah dapat blog templates yang cantik2, tp xbleh nk update kat html plak dh..pening pala jdnya..1st time buat la katakan..dia asyik kuar benda ni...Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. Rupanya kena tukar kpd old blogger template daaa..barula xde masalah nk tukar code html.

firstly, the xml error is extremely common and its caused by the fact that skins here are mostly made for the old blogger, not the new one.so if you want to use the skin, you'll have to click REVERT TO CLASSIC TEMPLATE which is below that big box for you to insert the codes.

step 1 :go to blogger dashboard
step 2 :click on blogger title
step 3 :click on template
step 4 :at the bottom of the templates you can see Revert to classic templates link
step 5:click on Revert to classic templates to Switch Back to Old Blogger Interface  

Akhirnya, blog ni pun dptlah berwajah baru
